Dancing at the Bars: Movement and My Beloved
In this podcast episode, My Self discovers the connection between dance, movement, and a positive bond between caregiver and someone afflicted with Early Onset of
Alzheimer's. Mr. Caregiver explains that motivated by watching his wife's positive response to Ellen Degeneres and her dance segments he decides to take his wife dancing. Come discover what happens when Mr.
Caregiver and his wife go "Dancing at the Bars." This podcast
lasts approx 20 minutes and will
help provide insights into a disease that affects over 5.5 million
Americans today and is growing exponentially every year.
If you want to help consider donating to the
Alzheimer's Association
or join a Memory Walk in your area. There are also many volunteer
opportunities with the Alzheimer's Association or a local chapter. Give
today... before you forget.