In the quiet pre-dawn light I emerge from my home to journey to work. I’ve decided to hoof it today; the 45-minute trek is such a relaxing, and soothing way to begin a hectic day. It is a luxury I rarely partake in these days as it leaves me a distance from my beloved if she should be in need. Plus I need to come home for lunch now to insure she will eat. Therefore, today I will walk both ways and pray all will be well at home. The streets are mostly deserted with the exception of some early risers taking their canine companions out for a stroll. A jogger bounces past being led by an energetic chocolate lab obviously enjoying the morning scents and sights. An elderly woman stops while her dog, that resembles a dust mop more than a dog, stops to carefully select a spot on a neighborhood lawn to fertilize. After the deposit is made the woman removes a plastic bag from her pocket and with gloved hands gingerly cleans up after her dog. Awesome citizenship madam, nothing worse than to find dog-doo on one’s lawn or stumble into a pile while looking the other way. A brief shower passed by overnight leaving a sheen to the streets and sidewalks along with a few puddles for me to practice my leaping. To accompany my stroll to work there are the encouraging tunes of songbirds, singing in the new day.
As I continue on my way I witness the birth of a new day in a fiery display to the east. And so I have another shot at life, the slate is wiped clean and I must open this gift to appreciate all it has to offer… including the joy of friendship, new and old, near and far. So I give thanks for you my new-found friend, and wish you a most excellent gift of a day… may it bring a spark of joy, a ray of hope, and a hint of dreams realized.